What is Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and Sustainable Restaurant Menu?

Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet  ÖZDEMİR
Yazar:Has Aşçıbaşı Ahmet  ÖZDEMİR
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What is Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and Sustainable Restaurant Menu?
My goal was to write a separate article on Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and a separate article on Sustainable Restaurant Menu. Frankly, I've been thinking about it for a few days.
I believed that meaningless results could come from two separate articles, and I decided to write two separate issues as a single article, taking into account the sustainable development tools, for better understanding.
A sustainable restaurant kitchen can only be supported by a sustainable restaurant menu. Being sustainable is also riveted by being zero waste, the lowest carbon footprint or a waste-free kitchen. If the use of green energy is added to these terms, which cannot be used separately from each other, you will have combined all the links of the chain.
What is Sustainability for Food?
Sustainability means ensuring its permanence, being able to meet its own needs and enabling change in a balanced environment. At the same time, agriculture, natural resources protection, culturally natural renewable generation, technological and political development can be achieved. Preserving the truth and consuming it in a balanced way are also included in this definition. While consuming a resource, it also contributes to its reproduction and regeneration. Sustainability is a concept that applies not only to food but also to all natural resources.
Sustainable Products, How to Pay Attention to Seasonal Harvest and Reproduction Timing in the Use of Natural Resources?
If the necessary investments are made on these features that are sufficient and support each other, you will pave the way for seasonal and local healthy nutrition. The proper use of natural resources nourishes nature and contributes to its further growth. A world where natural resources are not polluted any more is the healthiest living space and source of life to be left to future generations.
Today, it cannot be said that all of the big factories are careful about the following issues, but they should be more careful...
* Healthy harvest from soil to plate,
* Sustainable hunting,
* Seasonal hunting,
* Seasonal harvest,
* Using local and regional products,
* Carelessness in the supply of livestock and aquaculture...
They are insensitive to such matters. We should not forget that we harm the world, which is our source of life, in all kinds of hunting and harvesting of natural products, where daily earnings are not considered and sustainability is not considered. -- CONTINUES...
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What is Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and Sustainable Restaurant Menu?
What is Sustainable Restaurant Cuisine and Sustainable Restaurant Menu?

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